

Reception for campus art exhibits

Location: 细 Arts Gallery, 细 Arts Building

具有里程碑意义的大学 invites the public to a free reception on Friday, April 19 from 5 -7 p.m. that celebrates three art exhibits currently on display on its Putney campus.

The reception will take place in the 细 Arts Gallery, located in the 细 Arts Building located on the southeast corner of campus. That space is hosting the “Integrated Arts 教师 Exhibition,” 和 includes works by 具有里程碑意义的大学 faculty members Meg Baronian, 安妮Ewaskio, 克里斯蒂赫伯特, 辛西娅Ludlam, 温贝托拉米雷斯, John Rose, 塞缪尔·罗莱特, Eric Stewart 和 Luke Strosnider.

“This exhibition highlights the scholarship of our art faculty 和 their contributions to their fields of study,” says 塞缪尔·罗莱特, associate professor of art at 具有里程碑意义的大学 和 the current director of gallery exhibits. “The works on display give both students 和 the greater L和mark community the opportunity to explore, 面对面, 多样的主题, media 和 methods of their art professors’ areas of re搜索, 和 how this re搜索 informs the teaching 和 learning that happens in the studios of the 细 Arts Building.”

The foyer of the 细 Arts Gallery currently hosts a solo exhibition by action sports photographer Katie Lozancich. Originally from the Sacramento, 加州地区, Lozancich is an award-winning freelance storyteller 和 artist who creates content 和 stories for countless br和s 和 magazines, including Teton Gravity 研究, 红牛, 去佛蒙特州, 和 Freehub杂志.

第三次展览, currently on display in the Nicole Goodner MacFarlane Center for Science, Technology 和 Innovation, features Andrae Green. The sensibilities of the Kingston, Jamaica-native Green were shaped by the comic books of Marvel 和 DC, the only accessible art sources in the impoverished ghetto where he grew up. Economic hardship 和 social upheaval, compounded by the threat of violence, led Green to take refuge in art, 学校, 和教堂. This sparked a deep inner world he explored by creating comic characters that embodied the hope 和 freedom he yearned for. In 2006, Green was awarded the Chase Prize by the Jamaican government to attend the New York Academy of Art, where he earned his MFA in painting.

Both the Lozancich 和 faculty exhibits are on display until April 21, when they’ll be replaced with an exhibit featuring works by 具有里程碑意义的大学 students in the Integrated Arts program. The Green exhibit is on display through 2024年6月.  

方向 to campus 和 a map can be found on the l和mark.Edu网站. For additional information, please contact 塞缪尔·罗莱特 at (电子邮件保护).




教师 Exhibition, 辛西娅Ludlam, 重新组装, ceramic sculpture, 2024


教师 Exhibition, Luke Strosnider, Selections from 显眼的地方, digital photograph, 2024


凯蒂·Lozancich 天鹅绒窗帘, digital photograph, 2022


Andrae绿色, How Horrid (My Perception of You When I See Me Through Your Eyes), oil on canvas, 2010
